CSS text styling

The text property in CSS is not a standalone property. Instead, it’s a shorthand property that allows you to set various text-related properties all at once, making it easier to style text in a more concise way.

Text properties

  • text-align :

    • Specifies the horizontal alignment of text within its container

    • Values : left, right, center, justify

  • text-decoration :

    • Adds decorations to text

    • Values : underline, overline, line-through, none

  • text-transform :

    • Controls the capitalization of text.

    • Values : uppercase, lowercase, capitalize, none

  • text-indent : Sets the indentation of the first line in a block of text.

  • text-shadow : Adds shadow effects to text.

  • text-overflow : Specifies how overflowed text is indicated (e.g., ellipsis).

  • text-rendering : Defines the quality of text rendering.

  • text-underline-position : Sets the position of the underline (e.g., under, auto).